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Ditch Witch Walk Behind Trencher

4 Hour-$180, Day-$250, 2 Day-$400, 7 Day-$1,000 (comes with trailer)

Self propelled walk behind trencher. Max trench depth is 36" and trench width is 4". It has a Dura/Shark combo chain which allows it to easily cut through hard and soft ground with no issues. Very simple to use with only a couple controls, hydraulics raise and lower the boom with forward and reverse for chain drive. Comes with a stationary angle blade for backfilling trench when done, and a trailer for it. This machine also has the roto witch option on it. Which is a side-mounted hydraulic motor that powers a boring bit with a 5' and 10' extension for boring under sidewalks or driveways to run power underneath them.

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